
  • Behoben
  • 16 Jul 2022
  • #398485
  • 172

Yesterday at 14:00 I visited your store which is in dortmund with my 10-month-old baby. I was on the third floor when my baby started crying because he was hungry. I sat on one side and she started breastfeeding without disturbing anyone. 5 minutes later, after it was over, an employee from the store's security came to make a remark to me and tell me that next time I should go hide to feed my baby. Unfortunately I don't know German and I tried to communicate with him in English. I explained to him that I didn't do anything bad or illegal. I just fed my child.If this is the rules of the company I am very angry that in 2022 we have to hide to feed our children because some people have a problem. If it was the employee's problem, it is bad for you that the company hires such uneducated people. I hope the next time a baby is hungry you don't make the mother feel bad for doing something so normal. I don't think if I took out a bottle and gave milk from a cow to my child he would tell me to hide in a corner. Shame on these people.


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Abschließende Betrachtung des Verbrauchers

17-08-2022 um 10:49 Uhr

Problem behoben

8 / 10

Kundenservice Note



The company communicate very fast with me and the problem it's solved. I hope the future's experience be better.

Zufriedenheitsindex: 13/100

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