Refund of trip

  • Ungelöst
  • 19 Apr 2020
  • #43157
  • 362

Dear Sirs,
I filled out your forms regarding cancellation of trips due to coronavirus for each of the abovementioned trips on your website on March 23rd, 2020. I received no confirmation mails and to date no response from you.
Calling your hotline I am promised a callback, which never happens.
I contacted the hotel on March 23rd, April 10th and today. Although the hotel confirms they would readily change my travel dates to a later time this year or next year, they also tell me they are still waiting for you to contact them regarding this matter and without communication from you, their hands are tied.
I would now like to ask you to reimburse my payment to my paypal account as per §326 1 in conjunction with §275 BGB within 10 days (29.4.2020). I will be handing this over to my lawyer on the 29th of April, should no payment have been received by then.


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13-05-2020 um 23:33 Uhr

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1 / 10

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