Keine Bestätigungsmail erhalten

  • Beantwortet
  • 29 Okt 2020
  • #138631
  • 406

Hallo habe einen Flug gebucht für am 30.10.20 von Zürich nach Belgrad. Bis jetzt habe ich noch keine Bestätigung erhalten. Ist der Flug gebucht?


29-10-2020 um 10:32 Uhr

Die Beschwerde wurde per E-Mail an Tripmonster weitergeleitet. Mehr erfahren.

30-10-2020 um 12:42 Uhr

Dear ******,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us and providing your booking details.

One of our agents is going to have a look at your case, contact the airline (if necessary) to ask for an update, and come back to you with further details.

Should you have any further requests, please don´t hesitate to contact us by answering the e-mail thread already opened with our colleagues.


03-11-2020 um 12:49 Uhr

Dear ******,

We have been informed that you are already in touch with our colleagues from Advanced Customer Support team, and that you have been informed about the status of your booking (as the payment was not completed). All the information has been sent by e-mail to the same address you indicated in the purchase process.

We kindly ask you to follow up with them through the e-mail thread that is already opened with the e-mail address used in the booking process.

Thanks and regards

Zufriedenheitsindex: 52.7/100

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