Canceled flight without letting me know

  • Ungelöst
  • 21 Jan 2022
  • #342355
  • 191

I don’t know what the f* is wrong with this company I had called round about 20 times to ask about my check in and even got an email telling me to go to the airport to check in. The airport is 2 hours from me, so I drove 2 hours to cologne for NOTHING!!!! And this is the second time this bullshit company has done that and I will let my solicitor handle the case as well.. went to the airport just to get told the flight has been canceled since December!!! Are you kidding me???
What the hell is wrong with this company???
Where can I send my receipt so Kiwi can pay the patrol I had to pay and the parking space??


21-01-2022 um 12:59 Uhr

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14-02-2022 um 23:15 Uhr

Problem ungelöst

0 / 10

Kundenservice Note



Never again. They steal your money and than lie to you. Told me they won’t refund me because the flight was active but I was at the airport where I got told the flight had been canceled months ago and even the pilot who was suppose to be the brother of a friend confirmed that the flight had been canceled.

Zufriedenheitsindex: 18.4/100

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