
  • Ungelöst
  • 07 Apr 2020
  • #39221
  • 519

Buchung: 109356-896709-53572086

Bitte senden sie mir keine Fragebogen mehr, denn am Sachverhalt ändert sich Nichts. Ich bleibe bei meiner Forderung auf Rückzahlung von 317 € bis zum 17.04.2020. Die Informationen des Hotels füge ich nochmals bei.

Secret Escapes ist ein reiner Vermittler und hat Ihnen diese Hotelbuchung im Namen von Bilderberg Europa Hotel Scheveningen verkauft. Falls Sie jetzt oder später noch Fragen haben, empfehlen wir Ihnen daher direkt Bilderberg Europa Hotel Scheveningen zu kontaktieren.

Folgender Schriftverkehr erfolgte mit dem Hotel!

Dear Mr ******,

Reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus is a top priority for all of us. On March 31, it was announced that the Dutch government will extend the previously taken measures until April 29. These measures have consequences for our hotels, our employees and also for our guests.

It has always been our mission to provide the best experience to our guests during their stay. At the moment, the wellbeing of our guests and staff is our top priority.

We therefore had to decide, with a heavy heart, to completely close all our hotels until 31 May 2020.

This means that we are obliged to cancel your reservation at the Bilderberg Europa Hotel on 13.04.2020.

For your reservation, we would like to offer you a number of options;

a) Your reservation will be moved

We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel in the future. Your existing reservation will be moved free of charge to a date after May 31th until the 30th of December 2020.

b) Reservation is prepaid and you receive a voucher

Your existing reservation will be cancelled. You leave your prepayment with us and you will receive a voucher from us that you can use for a later reservation. This voucher is valid until the 30th of December 2020 under the same booking conditions.

We would of course appreciate this choice.

c) Cancel reservation.

If you want to cancel your existing reservation, please contact your travel agency (Secret Escapes).

Please let us know which option you choose with a reply to this email? We look forward to the moment when we welcome you again. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via +31 70 4169595 or


Bilderberg Europa Hotel

Weitere Mail:

Dear Mr. ******,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I have cancelled your reservation in our system.

I shall inform Secret Escapes as well, that you want to cancel your reservation!

Stay safe and healthy.

With kind regards,

Bilderberg Europa Hotel


Ärger mit Secret Escapes?

Schreib sofort eine Beschwerde und löse dein Problem!

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Abschließende Betrachtung des Verbrauchers

01-05-2020 um 20:39 Uhr

Problem ungelöst

1 / 10

Kundenservice Note



Nie wieder!!

Secret Escapes
Zufriedenheitsindex: 28.3/100

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