• Ungelöst
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • #544107
  • 215

Good morning,

I placed an order through liiferando today, Thursday September 21st at about 13,30 hrs.

the order has not arrived and I noticed that in the app it says that it has already been delivered. I called the restaurant and they told me the same thing.

I have contacted liiferando staff and they told me that the food was left at the door because they could not contact me, it should be noted that I have ordered several times and have not had this problem.

the delivery man left the food in the street in front of my door, so clearly I have not received it, from the call center they tell me that they called me several times and they could not contact me, that they cannot offer me a solution and that unfortunately I have lost my money.

I can prove that I have not received any call today and I demand my money back, as this is neither my problem nor the problem of the resturant that sent the food.
it is the responsibility of liferando and the driver who decided without calling me or anything else to leave the food on the street!

I demand an answer and my money back.

Best regards

****** ******


21-09-2023 um 15:52 Uhr

Die Beschwerde wurde per E-Mail an Lieferando weitergeleitet. Mehr erfahren.

22-09-2023 um 09:26 Uhr

Good morning

Thank you for your message regarding your order from 21.09.2023.

We are sorry that you did not receive your order. We can understand how annoying this is.

Furthermore, we were happy to look into your concern and noted that you had already been in contact with our customer service.

They told you that they have contacted the restaurant by mail and will get back to you as soon as they have news.

For this reason, we ask you to be a little more patient.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you a nice day.

Kind regards
Team Lieferando.de

Abschließende Betrachtung des Verbrauchers

15-10-2023 um 23:30 Uhr

Problem ungelöst

0 / 10

Kundenservice Note




Zufriedenheitsindex: 74.6/100

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