Unjustified Penalty Fee Charged

  • 21 Mai 2024
  • #601675
  • 36

Customer Service Mail
PO Box 448 Draper, UT 84020

Cancellation order ID # 526344217

In November 2023, I offered two tickets without any restrictions at that time as a PDF download with a QR code via your platform and these were sold on November 28th, 2023 and transmitted immediately to the buyer.
In April 2024 I was contacted by you with a request to have the tickets personalized.
I have informed you several times by telephone and in writing that this is not necessary for the tickets I offered, and otherwise I am not able to repersonalize these tickets technically.
I have even not been informed about this by the ticket provider (Ticketmaster Sweden).
You assured me that the reason for the required (necessary) personalization would be communicated to me by email and that we would find a solution together.
However, that didn't happen.
Instead, without further communication, I received a message from you about the cancellation of the tickets that had already been sold.
I was also informed that I would be charged a so-called “penalty fee”. This has now also happened to the amount of SEK 38,764.
SEK 15,010 will be withheld from my balance from another sale (#530969974).
When I asked you I was told that I had not provided the tickets on time or as previously described.
That is absolutely not correct.
I have described the tickets I offered correctly, and made them immediately available to the buyer as an instant PDF download.

I therefore ask you to re-examine the case and waive the penalty fee and pay me my expected balance from my other sale.
If you would like to accommodate me in another way, I am always open to your suggestions for solutions.

Thank you.
Best regards
****** ******


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